I was making plans for a lifetime...vacations, homes, potential opportunities, saving for the future...and then...
Some decisions come upon us out of the blue. Some linger for a while before making themselves known (although I think we may actually know they are there, but we are in denial). But they are always something that hit with hurricane force.
Occasionally, we find ourselves in a situation that seems outrageous to the outside world looking in, yet seems normal to us. Why is that? Are we so "out of it" that we don't see the obvious?
Not at all. We are a part of a process that we have been in and lived with. We see prospects and ideas that others cannot because we are intimately involved. We see a different perspective because we have lived it. But the choice still must be made.
No matter how we decide our issues, we must always consider every factor: children, parents, siblings, our own hearts and minds. Some issues are not easily resolved and may take years to find a solution. Other issues may be resolved with a single action.
I have recently made such a decision. It was difficult, mainly because I had to trust my own instincts above all others. It was not an easy decision to make, yet I truly believe that I am satisfied with the result.
I have to trust that I based my decision on well-thought out reasoning and a logical response to a long-term situation. Did I do the right thing? I don't know. But... did I do the right thing for me? At this time? I think so.
Some decisions are very difficult and take an extended amount of time to ponder every aspect of their validity. I think I did okay this time. I really do. I know that some may not appreciate my undertaking, but I know that the people who truly matter to me will support the moves I make.
I appreciate the support I have received and I truly love the outpouring of support. Thank you, my family, for making my decisions easier. You are wonderful people, even with your own situations and challenges, I can always count on you for support.
But this is life...unplanned, unguaranteed, and beautiful (no matter what happens).