
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My Life in Dreams

"One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching."  ~Lucky Luciano
I really like that. It resonated with me the first time I saw it. One of my former students posted that on Facebook, thanks P-Nut! But what does it really mean?

It means live life to the fullest. Know that you will be satisfied when you look back. Did I make my mark? Did I fulfill my dreams? Did I make a difference to someone? To several someones?

I keep hoping that I did. I really have lived a wonderful life. I got to travel to Europe when I was 18. I traveled to every state in the continental U.S. between 19 and 21. I traveled to Jamaica and loved it! I worked hard for a Bachelor's degree and even harder for a Master's degree. I have been a wife, a teacher, and a mother.

But what do I see when I look back? Yes, I see my travels and experiences. But mostly, I see my family. I see my daughters' love for new experiences; I see the wonder in their own accomplishments; I see the joy in their lives to come.

That excites me. I think, of all my accomplishments, they are what make me the most proud. I have no doubt at all that they will endeavor and work and do great things. I can't wait to see what the future brings!

But what about myself? I love teaching at-risk kids. I love interacting with them and knowing that (possibly) I made a difference (I hope). But I have so much more I wish to do.

I really want to enjoy the biographic film I see at the end. But that means I have to do more.

My "bucket list" includes many things:
  1. More traveling
  2. Volunteer Work
  3. Watching my children grow into the beautiful women I know they are (inside and out)
  4. Fishing in the Amazon
  5. Digging for fossils in the Outback
  6. Exploring the ruins in England and Scotland and Ireland, and everywhere else I can find them
  7. Spending the weekend in a Haunted Castle...anywhere
  8. FINISHING MY HOUSE! (That's a hard one, there!)
  9. Witnessing the wonder and beauty of nature on every continent. (Ok, maybe NOT the Antarctic...brrr!)
  10. Be in a Blockbuster! (That would be fun!)
  11. etc!!!!
But I think the main point . . . never stop dreaming. It's said that "you are only as old as you feel!" I really hope that's true, because I only feel 16, even though I'm  3 times that (well, minus 6...there's a math quiz at the end).

Dreams keep us alive. They keep us motivated and yearning to continue. Without them, we end up losing ourselves in a dreary, mundane life. Personally? I can't wait to see what the future brings, because I refuse to stop dreaming.

So, who will do the jig with me at my 90th Birthday party! I guarantee, it will be a blast!

Pop Quiz! So how old am I? Time's up!
Answer: I am only as old as I feel.


NowWhatDad said...

Nice post! You are definitely getting the hang of this blogging thing.

Tanya Frolick said...

Thanks! I appreciate that, coming from you! It's turned into a lot of fun!