"One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching." ~Lucky LucianoI really like that. It resonated with me the first time I saw it. One of my former students posted that on Facebook, thanks P-Nut! But what does it really mean?
It means live life to the fullest. Know that you will be satisfied when you look back. Did I make my mark? Did I fulfill my dreams? Did I make a difference to someone? To several someones?
I keep hoping that I did. I really have lived a wonderful life. I got to travel to Europe when I was 18. I traveled to every state in the continental U.S. between 19 and 21. I traveled to Jamaica and loved it! I worked hard for a Bachelor's degree and even harder for a Master's degree. I have been a wife, a teacher, and a mother.
But what do I see when I look back? Yes, I see my travels and experiences. But mostly, I see my family. I see my daughters' love for new experiences; I see the wonder in their own accomplishments; I see the joy in their lives to come.
That excites me. I think, of all my accomplishments, they are what make me the most proud. I have no doubt at all that they will endeavor and work and do great things. I can't wait to see what the future brings!
But what about myself? I love teaching at-risk kids. I love interacting with them and knowing that (possibly) I made a difference (I hope). But I have so much more I wish to do.
I really want to enjoy the biographic film I see at the end. But that means I have to do more.
My "bucket list" includes many things:
- More traveling
- Volunteer Work
- Watching my children grow into the beautiful women I know they are (inside and out)
- Fishing in the Amazon
- Digging for fossils in the Outback
- Exploring the ruins in England and Scotland and Ireland, and everywhere else I can find them
- Spending the weekend in a Haunted Castle...anywhere
- FINISHING MY HOUSE! (That's a hard one, there!)
- Witnessing the wonder and beauty of nature on every continent. (Ok, maybe NOT the Antarctic...brrr!)
- Be in a Blockbuster! (That would be fun!)
- etc!!!!
Dreams keep us alive. They keep us motivated and yearning to continue. Without them, we end up losing ourselves in a dreary, mundane life. Personally? I can't wait to see what the future brings, because I refuse to stop dreaming.
So, who will do the jig with me at my 90th Birthday party! I guarantee, it will be a blast!
Pop Quiz! So how old am I?
Answer: I am only as old as I feel.
Nice post! You are definitely getting the hang of this blogging thing.
Thanks! I appreciate that, coming from you! It's turned into a lot of fun!
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