These are actually old posts I wrote almost two years ago on Facebook. I took a wonderful car trip all over the U.S., but looking up posts from the past on FB can be fairly difficult! So, I thought I'd just add them on here. There will end up being 2 posts, one long one about my trip to see Charli and another one about my trip the other direction to see Aly. I'll update these as I can. :)
-updated posts through July 31, 2014. I will change the date as I update the blog!
July 2, 2014
I'm about to start my long-awaited
travels! Teddy is taken care of (Thank you BJ!), along with the house. So here
I go! And for those of you concerned, Yes! I have my towel! :) Bon Voyage!
Day 1: First stop is Discount Tire!
My steering wheel was shimmying and shaking! It would have been a great
massage, but not while I'm driving! Stopped to get the tires balanced, but I
looked at the tires. Oh, MY! Getting tires instead! Rather be safe than sorry,
and I was rather expecting to get tires eventually anyway. So, I'm in a holding
pattern in Rosenberg right now. :D Just more of an opportunity to play on the
Surface and meet new people!
Well, day 1 of my journey ends with
me in a hotel in Jefferson, TX. Nope, I haven't even left Texas yet! :) I got a
rather late start, 11:30. Then, I had to stop for new tires in Rosenberg. After
that, I just kept going, but I ran into a Monsoon in Marshall! That kept me
down for a little while. I just used it as a dining opportunity. :) I ended
here at the Inn of Jefferson. It's a nice motel with big rooms and wifi. (yay!)
But what really caught my attention? My room number is the same as my classroom
number at school! Too funny.
I'm only uploading one pic today, but I this one really caught my attention in Houston! :D
July 3
Retirement at it's best-Day 2: Having trouble uploading pix, but I'll add some as I can. Today was great! I started out with lunch with some awesome people, Michael Downs and Debbie. I drove into Arkansas and made it to the Crater of Diamonds. The park is so beautiful! I spent quite a bit of time hiking up and down heavenly trails. Then, I decided not to dig for diamonds. :) It looked hot and too much like work! So, I went to the Diamond Old West Cabins and got my Saloon room! It's so cute! It's the smallest of the bunch, but I would recommend this place to anyone! Ever! I hiked down the Little Missouri River, then drove a winding road up to the dam. Beautiful area. Perfect for camping! The marina had houseboats for rent! (Something to remember!) I followed all of this up with dinner at the Rattler's Den. Fantastic steak and to-die-for fried squash. Now, I'm back in my cute little cabin, about to watch TV from the tub. A perfect end to a great day!
I'm only uploading one pic today, but I this one really caught my attention in Houston! :D
July 3
Retirement at it's best-Day 2: Having trouble uploading pix, but I'll add some as I can. Today was great! I started out with lunch with some awesome people, Michael Downs and Debbie. I drove into Arkansas and made it to the Crater of Diamonds. The park is so beautiful! I spent quite a bit of time hiking up and down heavenly trails. Then, I decided not to dig for diamonds. :) It looked hot and too much like work! So, I went to the Diamond Old West Cabins and got my Saloon room! It's so cute! It's the smallest of the bunch, but I would recommend this place to anyone! Ever! I hiked down the Little Missouri River, then drove a winding road up to the dam. Beautiful area. Perfect for camping! The marina had houseboats for rent! (Something to remember!) I followed all of this up with dinner at the Rattler's Den. Fantastic steak and to-die-for fried squash. Now, I'm back in my cute little cabin, about to watch TV from the tub. A perfect end to a great day!
July 4
July 5
Day 4: As I'm driving down the highway from
Nashville, I see a sign and I think to myself, "self, let's see what that
is!" And since I agreed, we followed the signs and ended up at Lost River
Cave in Bowling Green, Kentucky. It's in a tiny little valley and the walks
were beautiful. Then, you get in a boat for the cave tour. It was short, but
really neat. This place actually has a ballroom dating back to Prohibition, It was a hidden bar in a cave! I
then went to Cave City, where I was supposed to stay in a Wigwam. All I have to
say is . . . don't! That place was NASTY, so I'm currently in a nice, clean
Days Inn. Lol! I followed this up by going on an Alpine Slide ride! :) You take
a chair lift up the mountain, then take a slide back down. I haven't done that
since I was about 10. I know I went a lot slower in my
ever-so-much-more-than-10 years, but I enjoyed it! And the kids in line behind
me got a kick out of it and started bugging their moms to go with them. :D A
few did! Then, I took one of those old-time pictures, dressed as saloon girl,
for the heck of it. I ended the evening with a fantastic meal and a HUGE (45
ounce) Pina Colada. I think I finished about 35 ounces of it, but wow! Charli
told me today, "Mom, you're having the time of your life on this trip!"
And you know what? I am! I have met some of the nicest people! It's been so
much fun. And the joy continues tomorrow! Night, folks! (I've gotta sleep off a
colada.) :D
July 6
July 7
Rolling Down the Road, Day 6: Today was nice and
relaxed. I made the decision to drive the scenic route from Mammoth Caves in
Kentucky to Chattanooga, Tennessee. I'm glad I did! It was so beautiful. I
grabbed a sandwich and had lunch at a roadside rest-stop with the most heavenly
scenery. My decision to take the scenic route took me about 4 hours out of my
way, but hey! Who's in a hurry, right? I had lots
of time for contemplation and reflection. I decided that one of the first rules
of travelers is *use a smaller suitcase*! Throw the giant one out! When you
change rooms every night, it's just not worth it! 2) Write down the names of
all the great people you meet. I have a list going onto two pages. I don't want
to forget them. 3) Bring music or an audio book. Always. Anyway, back to the
travels, when I came into Chattanooga, I attempted to find Ruby Falls and
lucked into the cutest little hotel! It's called the Sky Harbor Bavarian Inn.
My room has beautiful views of the city and the Inn is just so picturesque!
I'll take more pictures tomorrow. Then I went up the mountain and found the
Incline Railroad. I got onto the last round-trip run of the night. Wow! 72.7*
incline and it goes one mile, from the top of the mountain to the bottom! It is
amazing! I've got the pictures uploaded, but I know some people are having
trouble seeing them all. It's easiest to go to my wall, then photos, then Long
Trip 2014. It's not ALL the pictures I have, but the ones I've chosen that most
represent the fun. :) You know, I like this place so much, I may try to stay
another night. :) Have a great night, folks!
July 8
Ecstatic Day 7: Wow. Just wow. I really don't
have any other words for Ruby Falls and Rock City. I actually took over 200
pictures today, but I didn't post them all (to your relief). But I was
completely moved by both experiences. In Ruby Falls, I once again wandered a
mile through a cave, but this one had so many different formations and rock
strata, it was fascinating and beautiful. It was combined with a discussion of it's impressive history and
founding. All I can say? Those were true explorers! Then, we came to the Falls.
It's the world's tallest underground waterfall, over 1000 feet. They had music
and lighting to increase the impact, and it did! I loved every second. I then
went up to the observation deck and ate lunch looking out over the city.
Wonderful views! Then I went hunting for Rock City. I was amazed to discover
that as I crossed the top of Lookout Mountain, I also crossed the border.
Suddenly, I was in Georgia! For some quick background, Rock City was the
private garden and land belonging to a very creative woman in the '30s. Her
family developed it and opened it to the public. Rocky City is like wandering
around an above-ground cave! You have rock formations mixed with beautiful
flora, fauna (deer), and gnomes. I expected elves to jump out any moment. It
was beautiful, it was enchanting, and at times, it was ethereal! Dawn Spaur, I
cannot thank you enough for the suggestion! I stood at one spot and looked over
across 7 different states. I was so overcome with wonder and excitement! If
anyone can get here, do it! Truly, if you have one aesthetic bone in your body,
you will not regret it! :D Tomorrow, I'm off to Asheville, North Carolina. But
I will never forget my time in Chattanooga. Never. :)
July 9
Spirited Day 8: The day started calmly and
serenely, hitting the highway at 11:00 and moving toward North Carolina. I went
through the Cherokee State Park and had to stop several times just to breathe.
The awe of the sheer beauty. I saw this tiny little island in the middle of the
lake. On that island was a small tree with huge branches reaching up; and
surrounding that peaceful little island in the lake
was so many trees and forests and mountains rising so high, surrounded by
clouds! It was breathtaking. Once I was breathing again, I continued on the
Appalachian Highway. I then reached the Nantahala National Forrest and was
taken away again, this time by white waters surrounded by mountainous terrain.
So beautiful and so dangerously exciting! I stopped for lunch at a Whitewater
place and tried the BBQ (Ok, I *am* from Texas, I had to compare). Lol. It
wasn't bad, but I still prefer our pulled pork. Theirs was a little too sweet
and the sauce wasn't quite thick enough. Lol! Sorry! When I exited the Forrest
and finally made it to Asheville, I was so discontented by what I found. Yes,
it was unique, but it was *so* crowded! So I got myself a little lost (on
purpose) and found a hotel. In the lobby, I perused the brochures that all
lobbies have about events and adventures to be had. One caught my eye. . .
"Ghost Tours." Oh, yeah! I called and instantly reserved a spot. On
the way to my tour, I stopped at a place called "Book Exchange and
Champagne." I was amazed! Bookshelves everywhere, with comfortable (nice
& classy) seating, an Indie singer, and yes... wine or champagne! So cool!
Then I tried Fried Green Tomatos and fell in love with them. And then the Ghost
Tour. The Guide, Cat Wilson, was extremely knowledgeable about the area's
history and interesting tidbits of information. She made the tour so much fun!
It started storming and raining like crazy, but no one wanted to stop. So we
continued, soaked to the core, listening to her stories and trying to take
pictures of everything we could. It was a wonderful time! Afterward, I met up
with her at her husband's workplace for a few drinks. She is such a nice person
and so very interesting. She really needs to write a book! :) Several books!
But now I am back in my motel, needing a hot shower after the soaking, and
thinking that I'm not going to upload pictures tonight. I'll do it tomorrow,
but I will get them! :) Have a great night, folks
July 10
Destination Reached Day 9: It's been a long day,
but a good one. I bypassed the Blue Ridge Parkway (for now) because I realized
that I was only 6 1/2 hours from Charli! It's been a minute since I've seen
her, so I drove directly in. I didn't even make any side-stops! I almost did,
several times, but each time I started to turn aside, I thought of spending
some time with my daughter and I continued driving
through. In the second to last hour of the drive, I passed numerous ancient
trees that had been uprooted and tumbled higgledy-piggledy, other tree lines
that had been sheered off the way I would sheer the tops of bushes with a
hedge-trimmer. And in more places, a tree lifted and flung to the side like a
chicken bone, leaning against another tree, untouched except for the strain of
holding the first. I found out later, it really was tornados. It was shocking
and quite sobering. As I drove into the last hour of this stretch, the rain
began as a whisper, growling more with each mile. I had managed to drive right
up that nasty storm's rear end! But it dissipated as I moved farther in. Storms
like that really make you appreciate nature's power. What kind of force would
uproot a tree that hundreds of years old and fling it like a pixie stick!?!
Well, I finally reached Charli's, safely. After our quick hellos and embraces,
we set off to find dinner. We picked up her beau, Jaymes, and set off for
Buffalo Wild Wings. It was enjoyable. Between the joking, the laughing, the
storytelling, and the video poker, we had a fine time! We were going to go out
again, but Charli looked tired and she *does* have to work tomorrow. :) So I
told her to go to bed! Lol! Old times? But of course, we had to first do a bit
of rearranging, because some of her Texas friends were here. Hi, Micah! LOL! I
feel guilty about it, but he seemed happy to pick up and resettle his sleeping
kit. :D What a trooper! What a sweetheart! Well, I told my daughter to go to
bed again, very maternally, and she went. I think my bed is also calling. Have
a great night! And may the adventures continue . . .
July 11
Dancing Day 10: :) Sometimes, it's just nice to
do nothing. I spent half the day doing basic bookkeeping and the rest just
doing laundry. It's interesting that a being can switch from *hotel check-out*
time to normal time on a moment's notice. :) I appear to have adjusted just fine
because I did sleep late, and it was wonderful! I spent the day doing very
little of anything. Then, after Charli got off of
work, we went to a mall. I know, I am *not* a shopper, but my first rule of
traveling by car is *get rid of the giant suitcase!* So, we went to a mall and
completely lucked out. We found small cases originally priced $129 for $39!
Even I can't pass up that deal! After making our purchases, we went back to her
place and then ended up going out to Charli's favorite hang-out. . . the Eagle's
Nest. It was a very interesting place and a lot of fun. I discovered, however,
that I'm a little old for a young'un hangout. Lol! They are active, loud, and
dance the "Cotton Eyed Joe" as a line-dance! After picking up my jaw,
I discovered that I prefer a small, dark, hole-in-the-wall hideaway to a large,
well-populated dance-hall. But it is fun to venture outside of your comfort
zone every now and again. :) And to really top it off, would you believe a
young woman actually tried to start a fight with me? It would appear that she
bumped into me and so it *must* have been my fault. I found it fascinating! I
merely informed her in a very calm manner that "I'm old, retired, and have
nothing to lose. Do you?" :) She backed away, quite confused, much to my
relief, and left me with a story to tell. Lol! It has been a very interesting
day, but I am so relieved to go to bed now. Everyone have a great night! And
remember, no fighting! :D
July 12
Day 11: It's been another lazy kind of day. :) I
saw Charli's dog Zeus do several high 5's. He is such a cutie! Then we went
wandering about a touch to go look at some campers. I've really been just
considering a Little Guy TAB, but I saw an R-Pod. It's a bit bigger than a TAB,
but still cute. And I think it's very livable for 1 person. After all, even in
my tiny house, I really only spend the majority of
my time in limited spaces. I don't even use the whole thing! In addition to the
campers, I went through several tunnels! :) I have no idea where this
fascination for tunnels comes from, but I do love them. I really want to go to
Europe to go through the tunnel connecting Great Britain to the mainland.
Wouldn't that be a hoot!?! Finally, I've been taking the evening off. It turns
out I've gotten rather used to being alone and I just wanted a night of
nothing, so Charli and her friends all went to another hangout and I stayed
here, just to have a quiet night. :) I've begun to truly appreciate my
hermitage, even if it's on the road. Have a nice relaxing night, folks. :)
July 13
Day 12: We went to the zoo! :) The Virginia
Zoological Park is not absolutely huge, but the care they lavish on their
animals is evident in every step. The exhibits were huge and very well-oriented
for the critters in them. The monkeys played like crazy and all of the animals
seemed very content. We saw lions and tigers and bears (Oh, My!), and many
other animals. They were mostly ready for dinner,
but I managed to get some really cute shots. Then, as we were exiting the park,
we spied a peacock making a beeline for freedom! He had purpose in his walk and
you could see he meant it, this time! The zookeeper silently following him with
a grin on her face said he did this every single day. They got in the habit of
closing that particular gate a few minutes early every day to head him off. If
they didn't, she said he knew how to open the second gate! But with his escape
blocked, he would end up going around the kiosk and heading back into the park.
Sure enough, I spied his little head poking around the corner and quickly
ducking back. Then, he was off like a shot, heading back around and into the
park! He was a hoot! I liked the fact that rather than confine him, they just
found alternatives to his fowl behavior. :D After the zoo, we went to Charli's
favorite coffee shop, which was very kitschy and comfortable. We followed that
up with dinner. Although Charli said her ribs weren't the best, I truly enjoyed
my brisket "burnt ends." They were wonderful! I laughed to see
"Hopping John" on the menu, so I ordered it. But alas! It was not as
my Momma makes it and I was dissatisfied. Mom? I think we need that more often
than once a year! :) (Wink, Wink, Nudge, Nudge) I'm going to make another trek
to Downtown Norfolk tomorrow and take a gander at some of the things that were
closed today. It was a lovely Sunday excursion and now off to bed. Night, All!
July 14
By Land and Sea! Day 13: I went to the Nauticus
today. It's a really neat Naval History museum here in Norfolk. It has some
great exhibits, including the USS Wisconsin. Ok, I'll admit that I didn't crawl
around all over the ship, but I still might! After the museum, I took the
Victory Rover 2-hour cruise around the Navy Shipyard. Did you know Norfolk is
the world's largest shipyard? I knew it, but you
don't really *feel* it until you've seen it. I saw all kinds of huge ships,
included the U.S.S. Cole. I was a tad disappointed that no aircraft carriers were
in port, but the ship I *thought* was an aircraft carrier was actually smaller.
Wow! I can't remember what it was called, but it could hold over 1000 sailors
and another 1000 marines. Huge! Shoot, that whole place is huge! It was a great
tour and lots of fun. On the return, I went into the lower deck to enjoy some
A/C and wouldn't you know it? I sat down next to a couple from Austin! Small
world, eh? Nice couple and very sweet. We had a grand time. After the tour, I
roamed on down the road to MJ's Tavern. I went there because an old friend from
high school, Larry Mireles, works there. And it's just no fair! I swear, he
looks the same as he did in high school, plus a few more muscles and a tad less
hair (military cut, not loss!). :) It was wonderful seeing him again and he's
just as sweet as ever. And I'm proud to say that I'm the first Victorian to
find him on his home turf! :) Yay, Me! I had a great time at MJ's and I just
might have to go back! The people were awesome and the atmosphere was great!
Plus, I tried Edamame for the first time. It was tasty, but I think I may have
to try some more to know what I think for sure. Lol!
July 15
Homecoming, But Not Mine! Day 14: Charli took us
to her ship's homecoming today. She had been assigned to the U.S.S. Nitze, a
Destroyer. She was so excited and giggly to show off where she had worked,
lived, and spent so much time! :D And these homecomings really are a huge deal.
Families come from all over, bringing homemade signs and gifts for their
sailors. It's very touching to see so much excitement,
tears, and pride in the families' faces. I saw one woman holding a baby that
couldn't be more the 3 or 4 months old, waiting to meet Daddy for the first
time. Wow! Talk about an emotional moment. Then, Charli took us on board and we
took a whirlwind tour of the ship, including where she worked, where she hung
out, where she ate and slept, and (of course) napped. :D Just walking those
narrow corridors helped to solidify what she had been telling us about ship
life and created new meaning. It's wild, though. I've been on cruises, and
there are windows everywhere! On a Naval vessel? To see outside, you go
outside. And with narrow corridors, it must be a daily challenge to navigate in
high seas! Although I know she's happy to be a civilian again, several people
asked her if she missed it. She said "yes," I think because it was
such a formative time in her life. I'm glad I got to go and see what an amazing
place it is and meet some of the people who meant so much to her! :D
July 16
Revolutionary Retirement Day 15: What a great
day! I traveled to Colonial Williamsburg and found a traditional room at the
Market Square Tavern. Except for indoor plumbing, electricity, and wireless,
this house is all original from the late 1700s. My room is right on the main
street and I love it! I roamed around Williamsburg and went into shops and
watched re-enactors. This is the Revolutionary-style
Renaissance Festival! And I'm sleeping in the middle of it! I stopped at
Chowning's Tavern three different times today! It's right across the street.
The second time, I met a wonderful couple from Pittsburgh. They were so nice
and we chatted for over an hour. Their names? Ken and Barb! They really were
dolls! I also found my travel buddy! I was in a shop and an adorable turtle
named "Whimsy" called to me. My Dad suggested a travel buddy along
the lines of the Travelocity Gnome. Charli and I searched at the zoo, but I
found him here. His name caught my imagination and now he's going to be my pictorial
muse. :) This evening, I took another "ghost" tour, of sorts. We
heard different ghost stories, told from the perspective of the
"ghost." We went into three different original colonial homes, dimly
lit and appropriately spooky. The ghostly story-tellers spun their tales with
all seriousness and made for a wonderful evening! I rounded out the night with
another visit to Chowning's for dinner. They had "gambols" going on
in traditional 17th century fashion. Games, music, and singing made for a
traditional tavern experience. Whimsy and I are going to roam down the other
end of the street tomorrow, so I'd better get some rest. That turtle can move!

July 18
Day 17! A short post today. I sadly departed my wonderful Market Street
Tavern mini-home this morning in Colonial Williamsburg. I moved on down the
road to the Jamestown Settlement. That's a pretty nifty representation that
truly makes you think about life in the 1690s. To have survived harsh
conditions with dangers around every corner, these people overcame some serious
odds. Amazing. Continuing down the road to the
Jamestown Ferry (yay!) and Charli's apartment in Chesapeake, I took back roads,
as is my habit, and spent time wondering why people are in such a hurry? Do
they not see the beautiful scenery around them? How many times have they driven
these roads and *not* seen the beauty that surrounds them? It makes me sad that
these are the same people who likely suffer from stress, high blood pressure,
hypertension, and various disorders. I wonder what would happen if they could
just slow down and enjoy to journey? Ah, well. When I got back, we were treated
to Micah Hillyard's outstanding cooking . . . the man is a master! The best
spaghetti EVER! :D Like I said, a short post (LOL), but the journey continues
on the 'morrow! Night, all!
July 19
Day 18: Today's post is really short! Supremely short! Amazingly short
(for me)! All I did was laundry, try to help Charli rearrange her apartment,
and find parking in NYC. :) But since that's where I'm headed tomorrow, I
figured that I'd better get to it. :) I've really enjoyed visiting with Charli
and her friends, especially since the tradition continues and she still
introduces me only as "Mom." LOL! I've
got so many pseudo-children, I'll never wear out of family. Plus, I swear, Micah Hillyard needs to hire himself out as a caterer or a personal
chef! And although I thought about going out with them tonight and having some
fun, I know that I wouldn't want to get up and get moving tomorrow! To solve
the dilemma, picture an old-fashioned scale. On the left plate, we have going
out with Charli and her friends, knowing that we will be going camping when I
get back here and I will see them again. On the right plate, we have NYC, a
place I haven't experienced in 26 years and I'm not likely to get to any time
soon if I don't go now. The scales tip from side to side, slowly dropping into
their final positions. It's close. It's very close, because I do love the kids!
But yes, NYC won . . . this time. :) So tomorrow's post will be from the Big
Apple. See ya there!
P.S. I didn't have any pix to upload today. But I'm sure I will make up for the lack. :D
P.S. I didn't have any pix to upload today. But I'm sure I will make up for the lack. :D
July 20
:D I got the big question again. "Why are you traveling alone?
Aren't you lonely?" Lol! It seems people find it odd to travel this way.
But think for a moment, when you travel with someone, who do you talk to? Do
you go out of your way to meet new people? Or are you only talking to your
companion(s)? When I travel, I meet wonderful people everywhere and we chat,
sometimes for a few minutes, sometimes for hours! But I'm meeting new people
that I wouldn't meet if I were in a group. So no, I am not lonely at all! :) As
my Mom says, "I've never met a stranger." :D
Day 19: A really great day! Ok, I know I spent most of it driving from
Virginia to NYC, but it really turned out great! Other than the fact that
Delaware is the parking lot of the U.S., the drive was easy. :) I swear, I
spent more time in that state on the brakes than I did going anywhere! But once
I got here, I found that I'm staying at an apartment that really screams
"unique"! It's an AirBnB offer, but
happens to be owned by a friend of a friend, so I got in with no trouble. Lol!
It's a traditional 5-story walk-up. With NO elevator. And my room has a loft
bed. :D This means I go up a ladder to get in under the covers! I'm giggling
here. Once I got in and caught my breath after 5 stories, I went to my friend's
workplace, the Planet Rose, for the evening. First, I actually got there! Hey,
this was my first time on the subways in over 26 years! :) But I made it and we
had so much fun. Planet Rose is a Karaoke bar, yay!! :D So, we sang several
songs and enjoyed the atmosphere. Plus, I discovered that NYC bars can stay
open until 4! Oh, my! My little Texas butt got a little tired and called a taxi
home at 3:30. Oy, I must be getting old. I couldn't hang. Sorry! Anyway, I did
get some pix, but I'm about to pass out, so I will share them tomorrow.
July 21
Day 20: NYC! This place amazes me! This town possesses an energy that
I've never experienced before. It's electric! It's around every corner, hiding
in every shadow, and reflected on the faces of everyone here! It's amazing! I
got on a bus today and just rode, watching the people and the amazing
structures from the top deck. I finally got off at Times Square and walked
around. I lunched at Chevy's, I got on another bus,
then decided to play on the subway! I hope people didn't actually *see* my
excitement! I tried to exude *calm* as if I did this every day. Lola! I ended
up at Union Square and decided to just start walking. I went up and down every
block around it. The stores amazed me: a 4 story Barnes and Noble! I was in
paradise! A 2 story Walgreen's, with a deli and sushi counter! I didn't even
try to resist the urge. I started taking lots of store pictures, sending them
to Aly. She would LOVE it here! I must come back and bring her! They even have
an Organic Market on one side of the square. For some reason, I didn't expect
to see such a "country" sight in NYC. Proved me wrong! I sat for a
while and listened to a girl just sitting on a bench singing her heart out!
Such a beautiful voice and so heartfelt. Then I got to see my beautiful niece, Danna Gonik, for dinner at yet another very unique restaurant, the
Hu Kitchen, all organic and extremely healthy. Lol! A far cry from
chicken-fried steak! Oh, dear, now I've made myself hungry for one. :) And now
I'm like a kid at Christmas waiting to open presents. I'm going to Coney Island
tomorrow! Steve said he'd show me the sights there! It sounds like so much fun!
So I'm voluntarily turning in fairly early tonight, so I can rest up for
tomorrow! Woo Hoo! Bring on Coney Island!
July 22
A very ACTIVE Day 21: NYC! Warning: It's a long post for an even longer
day! :D It started easily enough, walking over to Times Square and catching a
subway to Union Square. That's where the activity began. I may elaborate on
some of this later, but WOW, did we do a lot today!
We went to Coney Island! :) I've been wanting to go since I was a child and it was wonderful! We walked up and down the boardwalk, walked in the water (the Atlantic!), and then we stopped at Ruby's. This is one of the original C.I. locations. Such amazing history! Then we kept moseying down and went to the Aquarium. It's a nice little aquarium and I enjoyed it. It was a shame that some of the attractions are still down from Hurricane Sandy damage.
After the aquarium, we walked through the arcades and parks, then attended a traditional 10-in-1 Freak show. Lol! Definitely hokey, but a lot of fun. My favorite was the blockhead act. I'm still a little weirded out by the nail, then the ice-pick, in the nose. But the man (a littler person), really made it funny! Then, of course, we went to Nathan's for the original frankfurters! After Nathan's, we hit the subway again to Battery Park. This place is so neat, I enjoyed it!
That led to the Staten Island Ferry, where I finally got to see and witness the lady herself, the Statue of Liberty. I was awestruck for a few moments, thinking of all the people who came to her. After the ferry, of course, we walked to the 9/11 Memorial.
As we walked around, Steve told me his day on that day. He told me how NYC existed afterward. It was so hard for him, and for so many that lived here. The memorial was beautiful, but then I noticed flags and roses that family members placed in the names of those they lost. That's the moment I lost it, for a just a little bit, in memory to those honored at the memorial. It's a beautiful place with the water in motion, the infinity pool, the lights, the names, and the memory of its history. We walked rather slowly out of awe and respect. But then, he picked up the pace again. That boy can walk!! NYC is a city full of sprinters! He took me to John's Pizzeria. It would appear that this is also a classic pizza joint in NYC. They have such wonderful pizza! But don't ask for sweet tea! :D Of course, we finished it off with another visit to Planet Rose. It is such a fun place and one of the owner's, Johnny, is a real treasure. It was a super busy day! But a really good one and I will treasure its memory. :D
We went to Coney Island! :) I've been wanting to go since I was a child and it was wonderful! We walked up and down the boardwalk, walked in the water (the Atlantic!), and then we stopped at Ruby's. This is one of the original C.I. locations. Such amazing history! Then we kept moseying down and went to the Aquarium. It's a nice little aquarium and I enjoyed it. It was a shame that some of the attractions are still down from Hurricane Sandy damage.
After the aquarium, we walked through the arcades and parks, then attended a traditional 10-in-1 Freak show. Lol! Definitely hokey, but a lot of fun. My favorite was the blockhead act. I'm still a little weirded out by the nail, then the ice-pick, in the nose. But the man (a littler person), really made it funny! Then, of course, we went to Nathan's for the original frankfurters! After Nathan's, we hit the subway again to Battery Park. This place is so neat, I enjoyed it!
That led to the Staten Island Ferry, where I finally got to see and witness the lady herself, the Statue of Liberty. I was awestruck for a few moments, thinking of all the people who came to her. After the ferry, of course, we walked to the 9/11 Memorial.
As we walked around, Steve told me his day on that day. He told me how NYC existed afterward. It was so hard for him, and for so many that lived here. The memorial was beautiful, but then I noticed flags and roses that family members placed in the names of those they lost. That's the moment I lost it, for a just a little bit, in memory to those honored at the memorial. It's a beautiful place with the water in motion, the infinity pool, the lights, the names, and the memory of its history. We walked rather slowly out of awe and respect. But then, he picked up the pace again. That boy can walk!! NYC is a city full of sprinters! He took me to John's Pizzeria. It would appear that this is also a classic pizza joint in NYC. They have such wonderful pizza! But don't ask for sweet tea! :D Of course, we finished it off with another visit to Planet Rose. It is such a fun place and one of the owner's, Johnny, is a real treasure. It was a super busy day! But a really good one and I will treasure its memory. :D
July 23
Day 22: I made it out of NYC! I have to say, I didn't meet one single
person who was not personable and pleasant. Every person was helpful and really
nice, but their driving absolutely terrified me! LOL! I was so proud of myself.
I discovered a highway close to my car park, and I made it there without damage
and only 1 taxi honked at me! :D I managed to make it out of NYC and through
the Bronx in only 30 minutes! I left at the perfect
time. I had been warned that Connecticut could be a parking lot, but I had no
worries there, either, just a bit of a backup at a pile-up. On a side note,
with a bit of humor, I was driving across the state and got a frantic call from
Mom. She'd needed to go to my storage unit to retrieve something. While trying
to leave the lot, the gate wouldn't open! Together, we tried to figure out how
to get her out. Lol! Finally, the gate opened and we, laughing, ended the call!
So, I soon made my laughing way into Massachusetts, where I found such
beautiful scenery! I thought my GPS had decided to give me a scenic tour, but
Dad assured me that this really *was* the closest route! But it was beautiful
and I kept slowing down to look at scenery and gawk at the Moose-crossing
signs. I will definitely be taking some scenic drives around here! But I got to
Dad's just fine and he and Joan made homemade hamburgers! There's just
something about home-cooked comfort foods that really make a person feel good.
We chatted and visited and I got the royal tour of their beautiful house.
They've really fixed it up nicely! Now, to plan the next 2 weeks to see what
we'll do. But tomorrow, I'm going to rest up from NYC!
July 24
Wow. After the last month, getting an oil change seems so domestic. And
Mom? Thanks for handing me that envelope of old papers for the Kia. Would you
believe they require the registration, but not the insurance, just to get an
oil change??
Day 23: Ah, to relax is wonderful! We took a lazy, slow day here in
Athol, Massachusetts. :) All 3 of us got started fairly slowly, except for a
furniture delivery. Dad and Joan got a new dresser, end-table, and headboard
for the guestroom delivered. It looks really nice, taking after a Shaker
fashion. They are very pretty pieces. After that, the slow continued. After the
fast-paced beginning of the week, it was indeed
lovely! We went to one of their favorite restaurants, 30 minutes away, and it
was Mexican food! And, not just a northerner's guess at Mexican, not some
Hodge-podge of Mexican food-like substance, but real, true, honest-to-goodness,
awesome Mexican food! In Massachusetts! :D With very happy, very full bellies,
we returned to Athol and took a small tour of the town. It had to be small,
because the town is, well, small, with a lovely river running through it. :)
Then we continued and just started driving around the hills around Athol (down
home, we'd call them mountains, but now I know they're not). HeeHee. We found
beautiful scenery, streams, lakes, 17th and 18th century homes hidden in
verdant countryside, modern log cabins and larger homes tucked into cleared
forest pockets, small villages that just pop up and then disappear just as
quickly as we moved down the road. It was truly lovely! The only thing I really
wanted to see, though, continued to be elusive. I really want to see a Moose.
:) I keep seeing Moose-crossing signs, so now my little heart yearns to see a
Moose! Despite the severe lack of Moose, we returned back to the house, and
continuing in today's form, lazily watched some TV and continued being slow.
All-in-all, a perfectly relaxing, much needed day. :D
July 25
Day 24: Once again, a slow day. I didn't realize how much I needed to
rest and relax. But this afternoon, we again took a tour of the area. We drove
over "The French King's Bridge," which has such a gorgeous view of
the mountains surrounding a river! It was so lovely, we stopped and walked back
over it, just to gawk like small children at the sight. Then we continued
through several small towns, following a winding
river (I believe the Connecticut). Dad's frustration at such a beautiful river
lacking free access points was palpable! He's a fly-fisherman and really wants
in that river! You can see the desperation in his face as he gazes at the river
and talks about the need to be in it! We kept looking for entry points, but
alas! Only a few were discoverable. We continued on to Shelburne Falls and
looked at an amazing marble-strewn riverbed called Pothole Falls. The marble
rocks and slabs creating the river bottom must have been shaped over the course
of a millennia for the water to create the shapes and potholes in that we
witnessed. Truly amazing sight! We then continued into a few of the cute shops
in the area. It's a picturesque place with lots of adorable shops. I enjoyed it
immensely, but I have to say, I am bitterly disappointed that the Moose drought
is continuing. I've seen more Moose-crossing signs, but no darned Moose! Before
I leave this area, I am determined to find this elusive creature - the Moose!
:D I did make some more touristy plans today, but I think I'll continue this
rest plan for a few more days . . . it's just too relaxing to pass up. However,
I think I need a jacket. Massachusetts is cold for a southern girl!
July 26
I was so obsessed with rubbernecking that I pulled over every single time a car came up behind. I let them pass so I could move at about 25-30 mph. LOL! I didn't get a pic, but that's ok. We've all seen deer, right? I continued on to Brattleboro, Vermont. Now, that's a hard word for a Texan to say! I've had trouble with it all day. Ah, well, darn the drawl. The town is an artsy-kitschy kind of place. I bought a shirt and had a fantastic coffee, walked up an annoyingly high hill to get back to my car, and roamed on back to Massachusetts. It was a beautiful drive that begged enjoyment! Upon returning, I enjoyed a fantabulous steak. Then, we talked about experiences from the past, some that we shared and some that we didn't. We shared stories and relived adventures. We laughed until we cried and commiserated about unfortunate events. It is times like this that really make a person feel close to family and enjoy the moment. We had a great time! I need to go on Walk-About up here more often
July 27
Day 26: You can't get any lazier than we did today. J No sightseeing or touring at all, unless you count the grocery store. With storms raging a bit, then quieting, then a spot of sun and back to rain, none of us really felt like doing much of anything! Sometimes, that's perfectly ok. We watched television, played on computers, and basically took the concept of Lazy Sunday to all new heights. These last few days have been a very nice change from the activity of the last month and a comfortable spot of change. I guess we could call them spa days without the spa? Why not! This is retirement! We shall see what tomorrow brings. Night, all.
July 28
Day 27: Relaxing once more, though I did take a nice walk around the neighborhood. I enjoyed some beautiful views and fantastic temperatures. It may have been over 100 at home, but I walked over a mile in the middle of the day, enjoying temperatures in the mid-70s! Lovely! I need to enjoy this while I can. J I spent more time planning a trip to Boston tomorrow and watching the news about a tornado that hit an hour or so away. Wow! So, a much more complete update will happen tomorrow, I'm sure, as the adventures of Whimsy continue. J
July 29
Day 27 in Boston: I took a commuter train to Boston today and had a blast! I discovered that Boston subways (the T) were even more crowded than NYC's! The stations were really neat and clean and the trains, too! But after fighting the crowds, I soldiered on to the Long Wharf, where I bought a Duck Boat tour ticket. Before my tour started, I lunched at the legendary Legal Seafood restaurant. I enjoyed the fabulous clam chowder, but I'll admit to the first and last time I will ever try clams. They call them "steamers." I'm glad I tried them, but I never will again! Something about that texture just really turned me off. Lol! But then, I grabbed my trolley to the Duck Boat. And this really was one of the original duck boats used during WWII! There are only 7 left in Boston. It's a vehicle, so we drove all around Boston and saw the historical sights, but it's also a boat! So, of course, we hit the water. It was really a neat experience. J I really enjoyed the history that the guide offered. He should be a social studies teacher! After the tour, I roamed around Quincy Market. I watched a girl singing and playing a piano, a magician holding a crowd's attention, a drummer drumming on everything BUT drums, another singer with a guitar, and so many more attractions! They had several really cute little underground bars (really underground!) and lots of shops everywhere! I spent hours roaming and I probably could have spent longer! Here's a hint, plan several days for Boston. The place has so much to do and see that it would take several days to even TRY to do it justice.
July 30
Day 29: A relaxing day in advance of my friend Willie's favorite tune, "On the Road Again!" Spent the day visiting with Dad & Joan and getting ready to hit the road. I must be back in Virginia in time for Charli's birthday! J It's been a great, very relaxing, visit and we need to do this again. Seeing the folks and their beautiful home, wandering around this gorgeous part of the country, and playing the role of tourist in Boston filled me with the need to do it again! Next time? I think I'll do a little more Vermont, a tad more New Hampshire, a LOT more Boston, and maybe a bit of Ogunquit, Maine. J It's been a beautiful respite in beautiful country with some wonderful family. I'll miss Dad, Joan, and, of course, Shelly the wonderdog, but the road calls.
July 31
Day 30! Wow! Have I really been gone that long?? Well, I must say, it's been great! I had to say goodbye to my Dad & Joan, which was difficult. We had a really good visit, but in the end, I left Athol, Massachusetts this morning and started making my way back to Virginia for Charli's birthday. I stopped at a few beautiful overlooks and took some pictures for an adorable young couple struggling to get a cute couple's selfie. This makes family #37! (I think) I'm offering to take pix for families, etc., that want a group picture with everyone in it. J Have you ever noticed that most family vacations leave 1 person out? Someone has to take the pic! So, I'm making it a point to help out in small ways. It makes me happy. Then, I made a few errors in judgment concerning the route and I ended up in a LOT of traffic in several locations, but I guess it worked out in the end. J As I passed into Maryland, I passed a sign that said "Hollywood Casino." Seriously? Casinos in Maryland? I had no idea! So, just because I can, I asked myself if I wanted to go. Myself was quite agreeable, so I turned in. I took $200 in with me and walked out 3 1/2 hours later with $400! I'd say the alternate route was worth it! And now, I must sleep, perchance to dream. So night, all! Remember, it's all about taking the chances and turning off the road! That's when you have the most fun!
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